The brand new Boclair Academy in Bearsden is in the final stages of development and will be opening its doors to pupils when they return after the summer holidays.

Council Leader Gordan Low visited the site to see the progress and to meet with Council partners, the head teacher and some of the pupils who will be moving into the new school in August.

The £40.9m project is being delivered by the Council in partnership with the SCAPE Construction Framework and contractor Wates Construction Limited/McLaughlin & Harvey Construction Limited.

Councillor Low, said, “Despite the challenges faced as a result of the pandemic, a number of our teams – including major assets and education –  have worked hard with our partners to ensure the building will be ready for opening in the new term, which is a remarkable achievement.   The young people I met today are clearly very excited about the new building, particularly as they, and the school community as a whole, have been so involved in the design process.  They have enjoyed seeing their visions and ideas for the school come to fruition during the construction phase.”

The new two-storey building will deliver a state-of- the-art learning environment for 1,050 pupils which will feature a large entrance atrium, flexible learning zones, performance spaces and dining areas.  Once the school building is complete, work will begin on improved outdoor sport facilities alongside a fully integrated landscape design which will include car and cycle parking bays.

Councillor Low, added, “Not only is the structure of the building designed to enhance the learning experience for pupils, Boclair Academy is situated on a beautiful site and the new school layout makes the very most of the surrounding landscape.  I’m looking forward to returning when it opens in August to see this inspiring building full of students and teachers benefiting from this bright and stimulating learning environment.”

McLaughlin & Harvey Framework Director Chris Boyle, said, “We’re delighted to be working with the Council on this outstanding state-of-the-art educational building that will benefit over 1000 young people in East Dunbartonshire.  We’re looking forward to welcoming them to their new school.”

Headteacher Douglas Brown said, “This is such an exciting time for everyone at Boclair Academy and we can’t wait to move across to our new building which is simply stunning. We feel like we have been involved every step of the way from the early discussions about layout and design, throughout the whole construction process. The students asked for light, height and space and that is exactly what we’ve got. When we close the doors on the old school for the last time it will be the end of an era with lots of happy memories but we are charging forward to a bright future in our wonderful new home.”

Harli is starting S6 in the new school and is excited for the new term. She said, “The difference between both buildings is huge and it is easy to see how the modern, bright building is going to be a great environment in which to learn. I love sports and dancing and can’t wait to use the new facilities which look amazing. We have a modern dance studio with all the equipment we need. I love all the huge windows in the new school which give it such a light and airy feel. Roll on August!”

The Council is working with a number of partners to deliver the new Boclair Academy:

  • The procurement framework used for the design and delivery of the new building through its Supply Chain. SCAPE is a public private joint venture organisation established to develop and deliver value for money property solutions for its public sector partners.
  • Wates Construction Limited: The Main Contractor, appointed through SCAPE, to construct the new school.
  • McLaughlin & Harvey Construction Limited: Sub-contractor appointed by Wates Construction Limited to complete the whole works.
  • Ryder Architecture: The architecture firm, appointed through SCAPE, to design the new school.
  • Doig & Smith: the Council’s Contract Administrator and independent cost consultant.
  • Curtins: the civil and structural engineer for the project.
  • Hawthorne Boyle: the mechanical and electrical engineer for the project.

Source: East

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