Dyson Donation to create STEAM teaching centre

Parents and local people have praised plans for a new education centre at a Norfolk school, funded by an £18.75m donation from Sir James Dyson.

Gresham’s School in Holt welcomed the public to give feedback on proposals for the new purpose-built Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) teaching and learning facilities.

The event on Wednesday displayed some early proposals for the new Dyson centre.

Plans were created after the £18.75 million pledge from Sir James, the billionaire inventor and former Gresham’s pupil.

The founder and chief executive of Dyson Ltd has always been grateful to Gresham’s, after the school continued to fund his education after the death of his father at age nine.

Steven Harter, who lives in Holt, said: “I think it is great. I like modern concept buildings. It makes use of old buildings that are not fit for use and are hard to manage. “If it saves energy in the long run then I am happy.”

Sue Crick, who lives next to the school, said: “I think it is fantastic for the children and wonderful for the town, It’s not just for the kids here because they offer these facilities to the community for lots of different things.”

Recently, Sir James said of his father: “When he returned from fighting with the 14th Army in Burma during the war, he threw himself into the life of the school.

“When he was ill, he carried on teaching but died when I was nine.

“I am hugely grateful to Gresham’s for the enlightening and inspiring education that I enjoyed so much.”

At the time of the donation, Douglas Robb, Gresham’s headmaster, said the donation was “by far” the largest the school had ever received, and it would have an “immense impact” for decades to come.

The plans help strengthen pupil numbers and meet the pressing and urgent need to update existing facilities.

The current building which contains a drama studio and student area, will be replaced with new classrooms and labs.

The Dyson building will not obstruct the view of the grade two listed Chapel.

Representatives of the school were on hand to explain the scheme and answer any questions members of the public may have on the plans.

Plans can be viewed at www.lanproservices.co.uk/greshams/


Source: Eastern Daily Press

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